
NCP Flexible Business Parking

We are excited to inform you about some significant changes and enhancements to the NCP Gateway Product that you currently use. NCP Gateway will be rebranding to Flexible Business Parking and will now become a digital usage product accessed through our easy-to-use NCP app.

Here’s what these changes mean for you and your Gateway card users:

We're Going Digital!

  • Transition to Digital Cards: The current plastic cards will be discontinued. Instead, your cardholders will use the NCP app to enter and exit our barrier sites.
  • Promo and Activation Codes: We will provide you with a promo code and a set of activation codes for your users to add to the NCP app.
  • Unique Identifiers: Keep a record of which user is assigned each activation code. These codes will be used as unique identifiers on your monthly invoices.

How It Works

  1. Activation: Add the promo code and activation code to your NCP app account.
  2. Entry: Drive into an NCP barrier car park, open the app, scan the QR code, and enter.
  3. Exit: Upon leaving, scan the QR code again to end the session, which will be recorded in our systems.
  4. Invoicing: At the end of the month, you will receive an invoice detailing usage based on the activation codes.

Get Ready

  • App Setup: Ask your end users to download the NCP app and create an account as soon as possible. They can also use an existing account if they have one.
  • Account preferences: Users can use their personal NCP accounts, or if your business prefers, a specific email address as per your policies.
  • Transition Period: The Gateway cards will soon stop working. During the transition, you may receive two invoices in one month – one from the old system and one from the new system.
  • Housekeeping: If you use the Gateway portal, this will no longer be available from August 2024. We encourage you to download and save any necessary documents before this date.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team at [email protected].



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